Saturday, April 10, 2010

Allergic bronchial asthma:symptoms,causes.

Although there’s a strong genetic link to asthma, it has been accepted by medical experts that allergy plays an important role in triggering an asthma attack.

It’s the mast cells, eosinophilis and T lymphocytes that are responsible for causing the allergy and releasing chemicals like histamine. Histamine, for your information, is responsible for causing nasal blockage and dripping when you suffer from a cold. In the case of asthma, it causes the constriction of airways, making breathing difficult.

In the case of allergic bronchial asthma, preventive measures play an important part in coping with the condition. The first step will be to identify what causes the allergy. Is it pollen, perfume, dust or some foods? If the cause is successfully identified, then half the battle is won. Identify what are the allergens that can trigger an asthma attack. Once you’ve identified them, your next step would be to do all you can to avoid the allergy-causing situations.

If you’re under medication for allergic bronchial asthma and would want to complement that with some natural treatment for allergic bronchial asthma, here are some natural herbs and home remedies you could consider.

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