Saturday, April 10, 2010

Allergy & asthma .

If you are suffering from allergy induced asthma, it is often advisable that you stay indoors. However if you or another loved ones must absolutely go out, here are ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones from accidentally breathing in allergens when going outdoors.

Always wear a mask outside when going out. Not just any mask, mind you but those that can filter out bacteria in the air. The N95 created by 3M that is commonly used during the H1N1 outbreak is a good recommendation.

If possible, always travel by car. Wind up the windows and make sure that your cars have installed air filters in the air conditioned system. Traveling at dawn or dusk is recommended as the air quality is better. Don't eat in your car as food leftovers and crumbs are a major source of molds and bacteria.

When traveling on planes, make sure to choose planes that do not allow pets at all. Always book the first flight of the day as the plane is freshly cleaned. If your financial situation allows it, upgrade to business class. Economy class use fabric seats, which is a place where dust mites can easily thrive. Business class often use leather seat which is less susceptible to allergens.

One main common allergen is outside pollens. These allergens are seasonal and vary throughout the year. Pollens start to appear when the spring season arrives and flowers begins to bloom. If you have medication like inhaled corticosteroid, make sure to follow your doctor prescribed course instruction. Avoid flowery areas like parks or any known area that you know have many flowers.

Mold spores are more common during warmer temperature, especially during summer. They can also thrive on wet or dry days. One mold called Fusarium mold is found abundantly in plants and thrives in hot and humid condition. Some can be found in soil and dead leaves. Make sure that you constantly lawn your grass and rake in your leaves.

In our rapidly developing world, industrialization and farming have significantly increase air pollution levels since the start of the 20th century. One main culprit among these air pollutants is sulfur dioxide. These can be found in high amount at steel mills and power plants. Attempt to avoid walking through these areas. If you happen to live near such areas, consider moving to another place.

Reducing allergens is the first step to controlling your asthma symptoms. It is possible for an asthmatic person to lead a normal life, provided that environmental condition are correct.

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